
As part of implementing our compliance strategy, we have decided to provide all employees of Bluplanet Digital GmbH, our business partners (customers, suppliers, service providers, etc.), and other third parties with the opportunity to report violations of laws, the Code of Conduct, and internal policies.

Reported violations will be thoroughly analyzed, clarified, and, if necessary, preventive measures will be implemented to avoid future breaches. The essential duties, guidelines, and values for legally compliant actions at Bluplanet Digital GmbH are outlined in our Code of Conduct.

You can submit your report via [email protected]. In the future, we will establish an expanded digital whistleblowing system that will also allow for completely anonymous reporting.

Please note the following instructions for reporting violations:

  1. All employees, our business partners (customers, suppliers, service providers, etc.), and other third parties are entitled to submit reports.
  2. You may, of course, submit your report anonymously by not using a personal email and not providing any personal information that could identify you. However, investigations into a violation may be more effective if you provide your contact details. Your identity will generally not be disclosed to anyone other than the whistleblower team and the necessary responsible departments and authorities without your explicit consent (exceptions may apply, particularly in the case of official investigations or legal proceedings).
  3. You do not have to fear any form of retaliation or disadvantage if you report a potential violation of legal regulations or internal policies in good faith.
  4. Initially, only the whistleblower team will have access to your report and will oversee the key steps of the investigation. Unauthorized employees of the company will not have access to your report. All information related to your report will be treated with strict confidentiality.
  5. If you submit a report and provide your contact details, the whistleblower team will confidentially reach out to you if further inquiries arise. You may also provide additional information at any time.
  6. The whistleblower system is intended for receiving reports of violations of laws, the Code of Conduct, and internal policies. For general complaints or questions regarding our products or product warranties, please contact our general support address.
  7. Please only submit reports where you are certain that the facts provided are truthful. Deliberately false statements or untrue claims should be avoided, as they may, under certain circumstances, lead to legal consequences for the whistleblower. If in doubt, please label your report as an assumption or a statement from third parties.
  8. Once your report has been received, it will be processed, and you will receive feedback within a maximum of three months via the contact details provided regarding the planned or already implemented follow-up measures and the reasons for these measures (e.g., internal investigations or inquiries). If you have only provided your email address, you will receive updates on the processing status via email. If the information you have provided is insufficient for processing, the whistleblower team will request further details from you.
  9. Additionally, please refer to our data privacy policy for the whistleblower system.


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